
Bhasma are fine medicinal powders in Ayurveda that are mostly used in the treatment of ailments such as infertility, chronic gastritis, osteoarthritis, erectile dysfunction, ulcerative colitis, ulcer, psoriasis, eczema, inflammatory diseases, bipolar disorder, depression, cancer, hormonal problems, tuberculosis, and other chronic diseases. The process of calcination is used for the preparation of this Ayurvedic medicinal powder. Minerals, metals, natural stones, gems, etc are heated on a higher temperature for oxidizing them and obtaining Bhasma. A series of methods are used for preparing Bhasma and it normally takes a minimum of one week to a maximum of 3 years time for obtaining the final product.

Each raw material used for the production of Bhasma is identified for its 100 percent purity, thoroughly washed, finely grinded and mixed with adequate amount of real herbs or herbal juices for better results. The process of grinding with herbs or herbal juices is repeated again for a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 100 hours. A smooth paste is obtained and then spread into small pieces for drying them up after the grinding step is done. These small pieces are sun dried and later placed in earthen pots for heating them up under a relatively high temperature for preparing Bhasma.

Product List

category : Bhasma

1. AbhrakBhasma

2. GodantiBhasma

3. AkikBhasma

4. KasisBhasma

5. KantaLohaBhasma

6. LohaBhasma

7. MuktaBhasma

8. MandurBhasma

9. KukkutandatwakBhasma

10. KansyaBhasma

11. HeerakBhasma


13. & Many Other