Precious Bhasma are precious ratnas or stones. These precious ratnas have the capability to bind with mercury. The therapeutic properties of these agents help in stabilising the body and delaying the natural ageing process apart from curing innumerable psychic and somatic diseases. Precious Bhasma qualifies as therapeutic healing agents after purification and detoxification. Purification of therapeutic agents both physically and chemically is required prior to getting them detoxified under a specific process with the use of specific organic substances prior to converting them in the form of Precious Bhasma. It can be broadly classified into three types: metal based bhasma, herbal bhasma, and mineral based bhasma. This amazing therapeutic medicine is used for curing a number of chronic ailments by establishing equilibrium in the body.
There are few types of precious bhasma used for the purpose of curing chronic diseases like all types of carcinoma, anaemia, diabetes complications, hyperacidity, fever, headache, blood pressure, neuropathy, lethargy, immunity related disorders, bone marrow depression, crippling rheumatoid arthritis, severe RTI (respiratory tract infections), uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, tonsillitis, cough, decreased immunity, bronchitis, jaundice, abdominal disorders, digestive disturbance, liver enlargement, irritable bowel syndrome, pitta disorders, acidity, hemiplegia, insomnia, rheumatism, stroke, etc.
category : Precious Bhasma
1. Heerakbhasma
2. Tsrailokyachintamaniras
3. Swarnabasantmaltiras
4. Kamdudharas
5. Vasantkusumakarras
6. Kumar Kalian Ras
7. Tamrabhasma
8. Vaikrantbhasma
9. Loknathras
10. Abhrakbhasma
11. Swarnabhasma
13. & Many Other