Swarn Yog

SwarnYog is one of the few Ayurvedic medicines that have gold as its prime ingredients. This therapeutic medicine is used as Ambrosia by ayurvedic physicians since antiquity. SwarnaYog has gold as one of its most important ingredients and it exhibits rejuvenating and aphrodisiac properties that promotes intellect and sharpens memory. The use of SwarnaYog has proved magical in the treatment of even the diseases and ailments that have been declared as incurable. Even the most chronic and complicated ailments can be successfully treated with the intake of SwarnYog in recommended doses (as prescribed by the Ayurvedic physician). It helps in the improvement of the overall health of a child. Parents can give recommended doses of SwarnaBhasma with either honey or ghee to their kids for better results. Regular consumption of SwarnaYog will help in imparting natural health and intelligence to kids apart from boosting their immunity for protecting them from fever and chronic diseases.

SwarnaYog is highly successful in improving the overall strength and immunity and keeps children away from cold, fever, cough, etc. It even helps in providing a healthy life span apart from improving the memorizing power and oratory skills of children. It also helps in the improvement of complexion and imparting a healthier glow apart from resolving digestive problems and enhancing appetite in children.

Product List

category : Swarn Yog

1. BrahmiVati with Gold

2. VasantkusumakarRas

3. ChaturbhujRas