Parpati is an Ayurvedic therapeutic medicine with both mineral and herbal ingredients. This therapeutic medicinal powder is prepared by cooking Sulphur and Mercury together at a temperature of 115 to 120 degree Celsius. Once the cooking is done, the mixture is then allowed to cool down naturally and for that it is pressed in between 2 flat banana leaves for long hours. This allows Mercury to absorb rejuvenating and detoxifying properties and to get rid of its undesirable properties. The combination of both Mercury and Sulphur induces anti-bacterial properties to this Ayurvedic mineral powder. Other ingredients like TamraBhasma, AbhrakaBhasma, LohaBhasma, ShuddhaParada and ShuddhaGandhaka are also used for the preparation of Prapti.
The regular use of Parpati helps in the treatment of anorexia, pediatric problems, management of gastro-intestinal disorders, malabsorption syndrome, and haemorrhoids, etc. Bleeding disorders like nasal bleeding, menorrhagia, eye disorders, dyspepsia, sprue, chronic dysentery, ulcerative colitis, stomatitis, duodenal ulcer, diarrhoea, urine retention, renal lithiasis, dysuria, anaemia, dysentery associated with fever, bleeding piles, oligospermia, skin diseases, jaundice, splenomegaly, bloating, polyphagia, puerperal fever, abdomen pain, chronic poisoning, and early senility can also be cured with Parapti. Parpati should be strictly taken under a certified Ayurvedic doctor’s guidance. To avoid bitter taste, you can take this medicine along with sugar and honey. If you are planning to take Parpati along with allopathic medicines then it is strongly recommended for you to seek your physician’s advice.
category : Parapti
1. BolParpati
2. LauhParpati
3. SwarnaParpati
4. PanchamritParpati
5. & Many Other