Pishti are generally the incinerated products of the different minerals and metals. This therapeutic mineral powder is being used for curing severe ailments since 2nd century. Certified Unani physicians are responsible for performing the primary production process of Pishti. The preparation of this Ayurvedic mineral powder is performed by purifying and detoxifying the minerals physically and organically followed by the lavigation process that crucifies the minerals into a powdered form. Lastly, the process of grinding with rose water is performed for a minimum of 8 days to a maximum of 21 days where the mixture is dried under the sunshade during the day time or under the moon at night time for naturally impregnating the powder and obtaining the final product. We follow standard and most authentic process for preparing Pishti. The process for the preparation of Pishti is performed under the professional guidance of Rasa Vaidyas.We are specialized in offering MuktashuktiPishtee and PravalPishtee. This ayurvedic mineral powder is made from rare and purified Pearl paste immersed in pure and organic Rose water. MuktashuktiPishti is generally white in colour and it is the purest and most organic form of Calcium. This authentic mineral powder is tasteless but has an aromatic fragrance to it. The chemical composition of MuktashuktiPishti consists of 10 to 14 percentConchiolin, 2 to 4 percent of water and 82 to 86 percent of Calcium Carbonate.
MuktashuktiPishti is widely preferred for its antimicrobial, antacid, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, anti-stress, anti-depressant, anti-hypersensitive properties. The regular use of MuktashuktiPishtiprevents depression and anxiety, enhances digestion, regulates blood pressure, prevents infection, provides immunity to the body, builds stamina, promotes cardiac health, and improves skin quality.MuktashuktiPishti does not have any side-effects if taken in a desirable quantity. The over dosage of this Ayurvedic mineral powder can significantly impact the blood pressure to lower down to unacceptable levels. We also manufacture PravalPishti, an effective Ayurvedic formulation that has myriads of health benefits. Used primarily for gastric problems and known for its anti-inflammatory properties, PravalPishti is used to treat ailments such as hepatitis, jaundice, urinary infections and gas problems. Making this into a Pishti takes away some side effect, which otherwise would take place if taken in another form. For digestive troubles, this pishti works wonders and promotes great overall health.
category : Pishtee
1. MuktashuktiPishtee
2. PravalPishtee
13. & Many Other